Creative Ways to present Scripture to children, youth and adults
Ebook versions of all resources now available
Exciting new Ebook resources now available:

Rina Wintour, Author
Through the prayers, liturgies, reflections, plays and dramatic techniques, my aim is to nourish and nurture the religious imagination. I believe God is Mystery. I also believe it is not possible to ‘teach’ Mystery. All religious educators or liturgists can do, is to provide experiences and environments in which children and adults are enabled and encouraged to ‘encounter’ the Mystery that we call God.
Through the prayers, liturgies, reflections, plays and dramatic techniques, my aim is to nourish and nurture the religious imagination. I believe God is Mystery. I also believe it is not possible to ‘teach’ Mystery. All religious educators or liturgists can do, is to provide experiences and environments in which children and adults are enabled and encouraged to ‘encounter’ the Mystery that we call God.

Drama bags can be used to encourage children / adults to express a feeling or respond to a story or a piece of Scripture. There are numerous ways of using drama bags and children just love them! They are suitable for all ages.
The best way to learn about drama bags is to come along to a workshop.
The best way to learn about drama bags is to come along to a workshop.

Mountjoy Enterprises can supply you with all the drama bags you require. These are made to order by my friend and colleague, Carole Danby. See ‘Order Forms’ for details and costs.

Mountjoy Enterprises has many resources to support Religious Education teachers, leaders of Children’s Liturgy of the Word celebrations and youth groups. Background information on Scriptural stories is provided for all leaders. There are also many resources available for use in adult liturgical celebrations.