Workshops and Retreats

Carole Danby is available to work with sacramental teams, teachers, parents, parish teams, children’s liturgy groups and anyone interested in learning more about bringing Scripture alive for children, young people and adults.

Rates can be negotiated – either daily or hourly – by contacting Carole

Workshop topics include:

  • Biblical Storytelling – what is it and how to do it!
  • Drama bags – what are they and how to use them.
  • Creative ways of presenting Scripture.
  • Creative ways to lead your children in prayer.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word topics include:

  • Ordinary Time that’s anything but ordinary!
  • Rituals and Reflections for Advent and Christmas

Spirituality Reflection days / retreats include:

  • Women’s Spirituality
  • Listening to the stories of Lent.